Ubuntu on android

Ubuntu on android. The installation process was not so complicated, it appears only need three simple steps for Ubuntu ported to the Android smartphone. Like what ways Install Linux Ubuntu on Android smartphones, please note the geeks friends instantly video tutorials and step by step how to install Ubuntu Linux on Android Smartphone below.

It is to be prepared before starting the installation.
1. Android Smartphone with the condition has been at the root
2. Android Terminal Emulator (free and can be downloaded in the market)
3. android-vnc-viewer (free and can be downloaded in the market)
4. Custom Image of Ubuntu, please download at the link below (select one server)
o ubuntu.part1.rar (900 MB) Server 1
o ubuntu.part2.rar (572 MB) Server 1
o ubuntu.part1.rar (900 MB) Server 2
o ubuntu.part2.rar (572 MB) 2 server
If two files. Rar ubuntu image has been downloaded, unzip the files.
Copy Ubuntu file into the Android smartphone
Once the process is complete ubuntu Unzip the custom image, now move it (ubuntu.img und ubuntu.sh) into the Android smartphone storage medium, in this case used the Android smartphone is the Samsung Galaxy SII. Create a folder called "ubuntu" on the SD card. Basically we are free to choose the name of the folder / sub folder.
If the file copy process has finished, open Terminal Emulator and run the following command:
cd / sdcard / external_sd / ubuntu /
sh ubuntu.sh
With the command "su" we get the right system administrator. "Cd" is used untu kitatentukan go to the folder after the "cd". In this case we make is a folder in the root of your SD card ubuntu. command "sh" is the command to run the shell of the file "ubuntu.sh".
If the process of giving the command in Terminal Emulator goes well, we will be taken to a window for a configuration as shown below.

Ubuntu on android

Then fill in the following configuration,
Password: ubuntu
Port: 5900
Color Format: 24 Bit
If the configuration is loaded, click Connect. And the Ubuntu OS is installed on Android Smartphone.
To control remains the same as the control ubuntu on ubuntu normally. As shutdown etc.

Ubuntu on android

Related : Ubuntu on android.