Install Minitub on Linux. Now we discuss about some software / applications in Linux. All Linux distributions can use the software / application.
Major software / application are: Minitube
Then just read more details below
Minitube is a YouTube application on Linux to open a YouTube video client. By using Minitube you can watch YouTube videos in a much more appealing. With no need to go to the site to find videos that are crowded on Youtube, just write the keyword, Minitube videoa will display according to the keywords we type. Minitube is an application that runs on Linux desktop environment that acts as a client Youtube. First of all applications will be connected through the backgroung to then once we find the desired video, it will be shown through the application window Minitube.
Install Minitub on Linux
Remarkably, Minitube does not require additional applications such as Adobe Flash Player outputs, so users do not need to be bothered anymore to install Flash Player postscript bit complicated.
How to install it even easier. Simply follow basic commands I have given below:
Open a Linux terminal through Application> Acessories> Terminal
To get the latest Minitube PPA Repository type: sudo add-apt-repository ppa: nilarimogard/webupd8
Then his friends Repository Update with command: sudo apt-get update
Once completed install updates directly Minitubenya with the following command: sudo apt-get install Minitube
Only the four steps above, then we can enjoy youtube videos without opening your browser and then type in the url address from, moreover, we do not need a flash player. Need your comment.thx